Project Description

I Am

by Tracy Ahrens
$13.99 (Paperback)
Publisher: Finishing Line Press (July 14, 2017)
ISBN-10: 1635342511
ISBN-13: 978-1635342512
Available from

Every intimate relationship can be summed up in a poem, a poignant signature that leaves a lasting impression. “Always honest, sometimes scathingly sad, (Tracy Ahrens’) words are like a stone thrown through a window; breaking upon the page as sharp and crystal clear as tears,” said L.B. Johnson, Award Winning Author of Small Town Roads, about Ahrens’ poetry book, I Am. Ahrens’ poems “take us on a spiritual journey, reminding us that each person is a piece of a puzzle wondering where we belong,” noted Loren Logsdon, teacher, editor and short story writer.