First Amendment Network

We Demand to Know What Happened to Jamal Khashoggi

First Amendment freedom of the press and freedom of speech are not universal. The more we learn about the disappearance of The Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi after entering Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul on October 2, the more we’re reminded of that. Khashoggi is not a United States citizen, though he was a resident [...]

And the Censorship Winner Is . . . Illinois!

The 2017 Jefferson Muzzles awards have been announced and Illinois has earned a spot on the list.  Each year on their namesake’s April 13 birthday, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression awards this dubious recognition to the year’s most egregious free speech censors. Past recipients include the Bradley County, Tennessee sheriff’s [...]

Alternative Responsibility? Why Journalism Must Practice Its Constitutional Mandate

I haven’t been overly concerned about Donald Trump’s election. Though I’m not a fan, I’m mostly curious about the reasons he won and am fascinated by the abrupt deviation it seems we’re about to take from the only identity I’ve ever known our country to have. As a leader, I do find him an unfortunate [...]

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