
FAN-Fair April 2016: Trending 1st Amendment Issues

The Constitution's framers intentionally provided the press with broad freedom, believing it necessary to the establishment of a strong, independent (if unofficial) "fourth branch" of the government. At the end of each month, IWPA's First Amendment network offers a roundup of free speech discussions trending in the media. Have you read about, or experienced an issue impacting First Amendment [...]

FAN-Fair March 2016: Trending 1st Amendment Issues

The Constitution's framers intentionally provided the press with broad freedom, believing it necessary to the establishment of a strong, independent (if unofficial) "fourth branch" of the government. At the end of each month, IWPA's First Amendment network offers a roundup of free speech discussions trending in the media. Have you read about, or experienced an issue impacting First Amendment [...]

The First Amendment Begins at Home

This article is from contributing writer and IWPA Recording Secretary, Lolita Ditzler. She has been a writer and journalist for over 45 years and an IWPA member for the past 32 years.   “You’ll get your dad fired and the kids’ll flunk--all because you can’t keep your nose out of where it isn’t wanted!” My husband slammed out [...]

FAN-Fair February 2016: Trending 1st Amendment Issues

The Constitution's framers intentionally provided the press with broad freedom, believing it necessary to the establishment of a strong, independent (if unofficial) "fourth branch" of the government. At the end of each month, IWPA's First Amendment network offers a roundup of free speech discussions trending in the media. Have you read about, or experienced an issue impacting First Amendment [...]

This Veterans Day, Don’t Thank Them For Their Service.

I’ve been the wife of a combat veteran for the past 14 years. I met my husband back in 1994, just months after he was medically retired from the Army, and about two-and-a-half years after fighting in the first Gulf War. Just mere minutes into our first conversation where we met at a health club, [...]

Hacking the Constitution

It seems like the news is incomplete these days without a report of a new outrageous delictum by the most insidious of 21st Century thieves—hackers. This year alone, to name a few, AOL, JPMorgan Chase, and Home Depot had sensitive data stolen, costing these companies millions of dollars to recover from the breach. Lives are [...]

Freedom to Mislead‘em

Not everyone has experienced working as a journalist before computers. Many people still at least have an idea because of what it took to do homework in school, be it research for a science project, history paper, or anything else that required checking references. You may have had to get a ride from a parent [...]

Introduction to FAN-Fair: Your voice matters

The IWPA is pleased to rejoin the National Federation of Press Women’s (NFPW) First Amendment Network (FAN) by appointing me, Diane Bushemi, as the FAN Contact for the Illinois affiliate. As FAN Contact, it is my responsibility to keep our members apprised of First Amendment issues. As liaison for this subject, I am also charged [...]

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